Can I use CBD whilst pregnant?

CBD Bud Flower Shop

Like many chemicals and substances, it’s advised to avoid using CBD products if you’re pregnant, just to be on the safe side.

Unfortunately, there is a lack of research on the effects of CBD products on pregnant women.

It is known that a growing fetus has an endocannabinoid system, which regulates the secretion of hormones, some of which are a response to stress. In a study, researchers found that the THC compound inhibited the development of embryos that contained eight or fewer cells. It is almost universally warned by experts not to consume psychoactive chemicals during pregnancy.

From the same study into embryos, a natural cannabinoid, anandamide, stopped the embryos from developing. CBD can increase levels of anandamide, which can have detrimental effects on a fetus. Whilst this study does suggest CBD can be a negative substance for pregnant women though, this research was conducted on mice, so the results are inconclusive when it comes to human subjects.

Many people have likened the use of CBD to caffeine. Caffeine has become the most commonly used psychoactive substance in the world, and over the years, there have been a lot of studies into its effects. Even today though, the evidence of whether or not pregnant women should indulge in a mug of coffee in the morning is extremely contradictory, with some claiming that it doesn’t have an effect on an unborn child, and others claiming that caffeine can increase the likelihood of a miscarriage.

Whilst the evidence is scarce over whether CBD strongly affects pregnancy, it’s perhaps best to err on the side of caution and avoid CBD until you’ve had your baby. If you have any questions about using CBD products, your doctor will be able to advise you.

One thought on “Can I use CBD whilst pregnant?

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